New website, new logo, & new endeavor!
At the beginning of 2017, I embarked on a new endeavor that I'll talk about in a minute. I created a new website for my new "thing"(let's just call FY for now). Since I created a new website, I decided to revamp my artist blog from Typepad and combine the two into one website:!!!
Transferring years of blogging took a long time to do.. There was no easy "export" magic button to press, but I took my time and did it right. It took learning how to navigate SquareSpace to create my new website. Now I can manage it on my own! Take a moment and browse around my website. I'd love your input as to how I can improve it!
So for my BIG announcement, I am taking a course to become a certified Face Yoga instructor! Wait, what? You'll just have to find out more information about it on......yes, that's right..... my new website!! Check it out!