Torrey Pines Abstract
My dear friend, Sunah, visited during this past winter break. We go way back to middle school! While here, she was able to see my paintings in person and commissioned me to paint an abstract for her. Going by a color palette inspired from one of Sunah's favorite parks in San Diego, Torrey Pines, I created this landscape abstract for her. I love to layer collage ephemera into my artwork, so I asked Sunah for suggestions. Her husband is Chinese-American and she is Korean-American. Sunah suggested Chinese and Korean calligraphy. Great idea! Other than that, Sunah gave me free reign of what to create. At least for me, I was excited and nervous at the same time. Artistic freedom is fantastic. However, your artistic preferences might not be what your client likes! Luckily, Sunah loved it! That makes me really happy.
Acrylic and collage ephemera. 30" x 30"
Hanging up in Sunah's condo in La Jolla. I am thankful for my friends...